NUFORC UFO Sighting 51495
Occurred: 2006-08-15 20:37 LocalReported: 2006-08-15 18:49 Pacific
Duration: 3.00
No of observers: 7
Location: Macedonia, OH, USA
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
A point of light in the sky moving around an aircraft in an unusual manner.
We were looking at a plane heading east. The sun was reflecting the aircraft orange and it had a short contrail of orange as well. There was a quick spark of light that appeared close to the air craft and moved around the plane in a C shape. It was not moving in the same direction as the airplane. It was able to change direction and disappear and appear again quickly. There is no possible way it was another aircraft. We could see the shape of the other plane. But this had no shape. It just appeared like a spark in the sky around the plane and then it disappeared and we did not see it again.
Posted 2006-10-30
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