NUFORC UFO Sighting 51491

Occurred: 2006-08-15 17:20 Local
Reported: 2006-08-15 16:04 Pacific
Duration: 10 Mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Chicago, IL, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Changed Colo

daylight observation: moving brilliant hi alt star-like object, spherical

Weather: 76f, unlimited viz, blue skies, very sunny.

I was nearly home from work when i looked up through my sunroof to observe a low alt news helicopter circling the area (regular occurance), but immediately noticed a brilliant, star-like, glistening point of blue/green light beyond it, apparently at a very high altitude. i initially thought it might be a mylar balloon. i pulled into my p.lot and observed it for a few mins, and determined that it appeared to be fixed in the sky. object was to the northeast at about 45 degrees. closing one eye and holding it to a power line and then a tree, it was solidly fixed in its position for about 5 mins, so i thought it must be celestial, but i'd never seen that in such a bright sky. i went to get my binocs and reacquired it, and it had changed position, to the east. i ref'd it to the tree again, and it was moving slowly now to the southeast. thru binocs: appeared spherical, appeared metallic, was in motion, was flashing/glimmering brilliant blu-grn in varying shades, in motion. went to get t.scope to view fr my 2fl porch, returned in 2 mins, but could not reacquire. gone. possibly mylar balloon at med or hi alt. This was Chicago proper, north side, Ravenswood Manor area.

Posted 2006-10-30

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