NUFORC UFO Sighting 5120

Occurred: 1993-09-10 22:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-12-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Chicopee, MA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

craft flies directly over us (very high up) from west stops, gets smaller (ascends) and shoots of north at a very high rate of speed

at approx the time listed above during the early part to august 1993, me and friend were out for a walk, we saw the craft directly overhead, it was pretty high up, at least 10,000 ft', it made no noise, was a perfect equilateral triangle, it appeared black but hard to tell (it was night). it had a large light in the center of an orangish color and lights on each vertex of the triangle. the craft approached from the west at about the speed of a jet. stopped nad started ascend stright upward.(it was getting smaller). at approx the same time planes from the nearby westover AFB were scrambled. i remember 1 jet (f-16) , c-130's i think and many helicopters all in the air at the same time. they were they were all flying in random patterns over the sky. the UFO then took off at a HIGH rate of speed toward the north. two more strange events took place the next night and the following day. the next night at the nearby school soccer field. me and my friend were out again looking for the craft of the previous night when we heard something running through the woods. i thought it was my friend joking around so i ran toward it i could see the out line of something human-ish but just an outline. but i look to my right and my friend was there. so it wasnt him in front of me approx. 20' the thing was talking??? but it was very low and couldnt make out any words. it then took off through the woods making, and it didnt run like a human its gate was too large. about 30 minutes later (we didnt follow it by the way) we head this loud metallic girnding sound, i have never heard a sound like this in the past or ever again. we could also see a light emmininating from the woods, it came throught the trees, and lit up the woods like it was a full moon (it was midnight actually). all the birds were up, chirping and flying around. we started to walk into the woods toward the object the closer we got the brighter the light got and the louder the noise. i knew there was a clearing in the woods at approx the place the light and sound were emminating. we got too scared and took off in the other direction as fast as we could book it. the next day in the afternoon we went to the place we we saw the light and we saw this van. ( it was white, no plates, 1 black window on the side) it was approx 1000 feet ahead. as we approached it started to drive off( making no noise even though the path was covered w/ leaves) we rounded a corner and lost view of it for approx 10 seconds when we came around the corner it was gone. the path about 10' wide at the location of the van but either end of the path was WAY TO NARROW for the van to exit the woods. and the ground was muddy where the van was driving off to but there were no tracks. i was never a ufo believer ultil these 2 days. i am a scientist by heart and practice. I am an environmental biology student, and i think totaly logicaly, and i try and find a reason for everything. but what is saw defies all reasonable explinations. if i heard this report from anyone else i wouldnt believe it but i actually saw it. ill keep my friends name confidential but he can corroberate everything we saw. hope this report helps. i heard u on artbell saying u could report sightings that happened in the past so i did.

Posted 1999-01-28

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