NUFORC UFO Sighting 5114
Occurred: 1993-10-01 02:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 1998-12-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Tempe, AZ, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
My friend and I saw a triangle made of smaller triangles fly over us at a low altitude.
My friend and I were sitting outside one night and we saw a unique bright light shining about 45 minutes. We were watching it. It did not make any noise or anything at this time. It just looked like a star for the longest time. But it was moving so we know it was not a star. We talked about it and forgot about it. After about 45 minutes it began getting larger and larger. Then it was about 100 meters high and on the other side of a hotel that it at Spencer and University. It was very loud at this time. It was black. It has about 10 lights (It looked like what I would call navigational lights). It was triangular in shape overall. It looked like it was made of about 4 triangles. It had beams holding it together. Kind of like a jungle gym that made a big triangle. Each section was distinct. The lights were placed on the tips of each corner, and on the "torso" of the craft. At this time we thought that it was a strange type of plane going in for a landing. Then it occured to us "Where the hell is it going to land? On the ASU campus?". Then it flew behind the hotel. The noise went away. Then about 15 minutes later, it emerged from the other side of the hotel. It proceeded in a declining angle of projectory and went behind a parking garage and we never saw it again. Once again as soon as we could not see it we could not hear it. It was loud enough that you could have heard it at least a mile away. It was LOUD. The lights on the craft were slightly blurry or hard to focus on. So I am checking the aura/haze button below.
Posted 1999-01-28
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