NUFORC UFO Sighting 5094
Occurred: 1973-08-01 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 1998-12-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 min
No of observers: 0
Location: Scituate, MA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
This Diamond shape object hovererd on one spot for 15 or more min and was seen by many people, it was mentioned in the paper etc. It seems no one had a camera, but me. I never mentioned this to anyone then but at the time of the sighting I as an amateur/semi pro photogrpaher was just coming home with my camera, telephoto and tripod and took a roll of transparancy photos. The object was high in the sky, there were no clouds and the day was perfecly clear. The object was white and bright against the daylight sky, I don't know if it was illuminated or it was a reflection from the ocean's light. The air force did send a plane to look at this object as I saw the plane, the object was larger than the plane, the airforce denied sending a plane as I Recall, this was a long time ago.
Date in August 1973 is approximate. PD
Posted 1999-01-28
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