NUFORC UFO Sighting 50820
Occurred: 2006-06-02 02:00 LocalReported: 2006-06-04 10:38 Pacific
Duration: 2:01
No of observers: 0
Location: Newark, DE, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
While sitting outside, witnessed an unusual aircraft, which changed speeds amazingly.
I was outside on my patio and i heard what sounded like an airplane. Suddenly it sounded like a helicopter as it was approching. i stood to my front yard and looked over my house, South, and saw it heading my direction, North. When it was close enough the noise changed to a Humming Pulse. It wasnt moving very fast, about 100-200mph. Altitude approx. 150-200 ft. Suddenly stopped completely approx. 600 ft. past me. Spaceship was in shape of an H very flat. with a light in each corner, and a smaller light in the center of the ship. I went inside to grab a witness, and as i was moving away, it took off six times faster than it was moving before. Definitally Believe in UFO's now.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2006-07-16
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