NUFORC UFO Sighting 5074
Occurred: 1998-12-10 21:11 LocalReported: 1998-12-11 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Plymouth, MA, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Landed
i am 14 and was coming back from my football banquet in a car with my father going north when i noticed a very bright diamond shaped object approximately 100-200 yards off the ground about 5oo yard in front of us. I said to my father" what the hell is that"i did'nt point and he said he did'nt know.then he said its a plane but i said it could'nt of been because it didnt hav any blinking lights.then i started to see different blinking lights come off of it.I dont believe it purposely went over my car but it did and under it was circle shaped.under the craft there was a set of 10 lights inn the shape of a rack of pool balls.the first 4 blinked,then the next 3,then the next 2,then far nobody believes me because i've always had a fascination with the paranormal but i would swear on my life that what i saw i did not make up.
i am 14 and was coming back from my football banquet in a car with my father going north when i noticed a very bright diamond shaped object approximately 100-200 yards off the ground about 5oo yard in front of us. I said to my father" what the hell is that"i did'nt point and he said he did'nt know.then he said its a plane but i said it could'nt of been because it didnt hav any blinking lights.then i started to see different blinking lights come off of it.I dont believe it purposely went over my car but it did and under it was circle shaped.under the craft there was a set of 10 lights inn the shape of a rack of pool balls.the first 4 blinked,then the next 3,then the next 2,then far nobody believes me because i've always had a fascination with the paranormal but i would swear on my life that what i saw i did not make up. this object was extremely silent. i live relatively close to the otis air force base in massachussetts and see quite alot of air traffic and i have never seen anything like this. i have never heard of any u.f.o reports or sightings in or around where i live. i saw the lights in a very rural part of plymouth over a very hilly forest seperated by a long windy road. i would definitely expect someone else to have seen this obkect except me and my father because about 150 were at the banqut i was at and many had to use the same road to get to their houses. after about 5 min of seeing the object it moved too far to the east to see because there were trees blocking where i was. about 10 min into my experience i past a side road and there was a clearing and i could see the ufo about 500 yards away almost paralell to my car. i believe when i saw it in the clearing it was extremely close to the ground. i know that there has been many sightings recently. has there been many sightings like mine with similar shaped crafts
Posted 1999-01-28
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