NUFORC UFO Sighting 50678

Occurred: 1961-05-15 04:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2006-05-22 20:12 Pacific
Duration: unknown
No of observers: 12

Location: Parris Island, SC, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams

Parris Island, S.C. boot camp, UFO !

I was a boot and in-charge of a squad sized detail of marines, as we marched to the chow hall while on mess duty. While we were marching, we all just stopped as we saw three bright lights approach us over water (04:00 hours am).

The three lights seemed to come in close to us, and glow brighter as they approached. All of a sudden, they grew smaller, and flew off in three different directions at great speed. I THEN continued taking the troops to the mess hall.

While there, one after the other marines who were with me, approached me and said (summary) "you must tell the drill instructor what we saw." I had no hope of surviving the day IF i told the drill instructor what we saw.

But when we arrived back at the barracks, I went to the drill instructors door, knocked, and he came out. After all the usual harrassment, he told me to step into his office.

Once I told the drill instructor what happened, he did the unexpected, and closed the door and talked to me like a human. He invited all of the other troops who were with me into his office (after calling the other drill instructors into his office). The other boots went in one-by-one, and also came out unscathed. <> IF YOU KNOW Parris Island,... that is saying something.

The next day, I was called into the drill instructors office again, and there were two men in suits and sunglasses there. They asked me the same type of questions, and dismissed me.

I never heard of anything after that, but searched for years (project bluebook, etc...).. for the incident.

FOOTNOTE: I was promoted to PFC on Parris Island. I am sure it was not because I was the BEST marine in my platoon (platoon 311, 3rd battalion).

If anyone knows anything, they should feel free to contact me at ((e-address deleted. Please submit a report to NUFORC, using our Online Report Form. PD))

Signing off at <> May 22, 2006 @ 23:22 hours

Posted 2006-07-16

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