NUFORC UFO Sighting 50644

Occurred: 2006-05-20 00:58 Local
Reported: 2006-05-21 09:29 Pacific
Duration: 20 Minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Gaylord, MN, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

flahing "star" moving around for 20 minutes near the big dipper.

Although I was not able to see the craft up close, the person who contacted me had a pair of binoculars, and stated that the craft was triangular in shape and rotating slightly.

I oberseved that the craft moved in mutliple directions, but only for a short periods of time before it came back to "center." It moved up, down, left, and right. I saw this after he had called and told me to look tward Hutchinson, which is about 20 miles north-west of my home. It was about 35-45 degrees up when I saw it, and was, well, two stars down from the edge of the big dipper.

I called another friend of mine, just to make sure I wasn't seeing things, she oberved the same shape as well. I tried looking at it later, but was unable becuase the stars had moved and I could not refrence it to any stationary body.

Thanks for your time.

Posted 2006-07-16

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