NUFORC UFO Sighting 50629

Occurred: 1995-10-15 15:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2006-05-20 04:03 Pacific
Duration: Several Minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Hawesville, KY, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Emitted beams

Sightings of multiple craft disappearing and reappearing in sky, possible abduction.

It was a rather clear day. Very little cloud cover. I witnessed at least one craft silver/grey in color, very reflective. I cannot give an estimate of the altitude of the craft in question. It flew across the sky from E to S. At a point around SE it disappeared from the sky. It had not changed direction or speed. I did not take my eyes off the object. Upon scanning the sky, I discovered the object in question back at the original place in the sky at compass E. Around this time of that year, I witnessed several craft having the same characteristics both in behavior and appearance.

The most notable sighting of these craft occurred around this time as well. I saw one of these craft while in the backyard of my house. The cigar-shaped craft crossed the sky, then stopped in mid-air. A blue light came off of it, shining brightly even in mid-afternoon. I don't recall exactly what happened that day, other than two odd things that I cannot account for. One: I seem to have blacked out, but I came out of it standing upright in a different part of the yard than where I was when I saw the light. Two: My clothes seemed in dissarray, my shirt was on inside-out and my pants' zipper was down.

I have since then had a dream about that day. I do not consider the dream to be 100% reliable. It may be the actual events of that day or merely my imagination. However, the dream started out exactly like my real memories of that day. In my dream I see the craft come down and hover over my house. The next scene is me sitting naked in a white room with sophisticated equipment on my right and 2-3 "greys" in front of me. There is a being to my immediate right holding an instrument in his hands and he moves behind me and I feel a pain behind my right ear. Since that day, I have a noticeable lump behind my ear. I have not had it taken out or seriously evaluated by a medical professional.

I have other accounts of odd sightings but will file them according to time/date.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2006-07-16

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