NUFORC Sighting 50093

Occurred: 2006-04-10 13:45 Local
Reported: 2006-04-11 00:37 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Burnsville, MN, USA

Shape: Formation

50 silver irridescent diamond shaped objects in the formation of a wide awkward heart that blinked in and out of view in MN

I was driving in my car down 35E going towards the Twin Cities and I saw many silver irredescent-like, almost diamond shaped objects high in the sky that were clustered in a formation that almost looked like a very wide awkward heart. They looked like they were not moving, except for the fact that they were "blinking" in and out of view. A comparison that I could make is that of the scene in the movie Superman when the bad guys were floating in space in aa flat glass that was spinning --only in this case when they looked like they would start to spin or flutter they would disapear in thin air-all of them at once. Then they reappeared in the exact same formation, looking exactly the same and would flicker for about 10 seconds-until they disapeared again. This flickering in and out happened about 4 or 5 times--then I didnt see them again. It was a clear day-only a few clouds in the sky--and they were so clear and so precise in its repeating formation.

My background-is Im a 29 year old female. Im in college studying Sociology and Physics, and I have two young kids. At the time it was happening --I called my boyfriend Marcus and was explaining to him what I was seeing. There were other drivers on the road that seemed oblivious to what I was seeing--but I KNOW IT WAS REAL. I dont know what on this planet would do that and act like it did--I have never seen anything like it in my life!!

Posted 2006-05-15

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