NUFORC UFO Sighting 4993

Occurred: 1998-04-03 20:01 Local
Reported: 1998-12-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: less that a minute
No of observers: 3

Location: Wickiup (the closest city would be), AZ, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

A series of green lights, in the shape of a paralegram, came out of the east-south east, and headed off into the west-northwest. It was being followed my some type of minitary jet, close behind.

While driving home from Las Vegas, myself, my wife and son saw an object in the sky. This was south of Wickiup, Az., about one mile north of the bridge that crosses the Upper Burro Campgrounds. The shape was a paralagram, with green lights on the corners. It flew from the east-southeast toward the west-northwest, at a high rate of speed. It made no sound as it passed, and it looked to be less that 1000 feet off the ground. The road is hilly and twisty with no place to stop, so I'm not sure where it went after we saw it. From the time we first saw it until it disappeared couldn't have been more than a few seconds. It was being followed by a military jet. It was also less that 1000 feet up, and clearly following the objest. The plane was close enough so we could hear the jets roar, and this was with the car windows rolled up and the radio on. The jet made a turn toward the south, I know this because I could see two cones from the exhause of the jet.

Posted 1999-01-28

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