NUFORC UFO Sighting 49326

Occurred: 1977-08-01 16:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2006-02-27 21:26 Pacific
Duration: 10 min.s
No of observers: 3

Location: Pleasenton, CA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Colo

They were not from this planet, man just doesn;t have the technoigy to fly that fast. Besides we fly airplanes not sausers

I was a 17 year old young man when I had my encounter. I lived in Fremont Ca. It was a hot August day in 1977. I wanted to get out of the house, so I called up couple of girl that I knew and asked them if they wanted to go for a ride. They said yes. So I went and picked them up. I decided to take them to a place where I knew about. It was outside of Pleasenton Ca. There was a abby where these monks lived. These monks had painted a bridge. It was done in different seens. They were seens from 1776 thru 1976. They were very beutiful, and I knew it would impress the girls. So I took the girls there and they were impressed. When we were done we drove to the end of the road. Theres a parking lot over looking a small lake. I shut off my motor and got some beers out of the trunk of my car. When I got back into the car I gave the girls a beer and cracked one open for myself. As soon as I looked back up, there it was. I couldn't beleive what I was seeing. It was a disk flying like nothing I'd ever seen. I grew up flying with my friends dad. We got to fly once a month. So the first thing I noticed was there was no sound. This disk was changing colors and had a haze around it. It was hovering over the far end of the lake and then it would fly off. When it flew off it was at about a 45 degree angle. It seem to go around ten miles away. then in a blink of an eye, it was back over the lake. I apeared to change shapes right before my eyes. I couldn't understand what I was seeing. Needless to say, I was scared ((word deleted)). I wanted to look over at the girls and see if they were looking, but I was afraid it would fly away. So I didn't look over. I just asked them if they were seeing what I was seeing, and they replied I hope so. I asked them if they were seeing a flying sauser. They said yes. That really scared me too. I think part of me was hoping they weren't seeing this flying sauser. My brain was working overtime. I had never seen anything like it before so I didn't know what to do. As I kept watching this sauser it was flying back and forth around the lake. Then another sauser appeared. About 1 min. later a third sauser appeared. It was really stange, it was like they just appeared. We watched them for about another min. then one of the suaser flew right over to where we were parked. It stopped around 50 yards from us. Now it was hovering right in front of us. I was trying to move but couldn't. I was frozen with fright. We were looking right at them, and I felt like they were looking right at us at us. It felt like an hour, but was only about 15 sec. Then it flew over to west end of the lake. We watched them for a couple of more min.s. I not sure what they were doing there. But when they finally left it was the most amazing thing. All three sausers flew of to the west. they flew around 5 miles at a 45 degree angle. Now this is a little hard to exsplain. But they all three seem to fly in the same spot, and then they flew off as 1 sauser. It left a trail when it left. When it left it was so fast, it looked like a shooting star. I've seen the trooth flying aroud out there. I'm now 46 years old. And I'll never forget what I saw. At the time in 1977, the girls and myself decided to sware secretsy. We were afraid if anyone found out what we saw, they would think we were crazy.


Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD

Posted 2006-03-11

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