NUFORC UFO Sighting 49209
Occurred: 2006-02-20 04:55 LocalReported: 2006-02-19 21:17 Pacific
Duration: 5 plus minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Tirau, , New Zealand
Shape: Changing
A bright light that became larger & then again receded becoming smaller until it vanished - duration was probably just over 5 minutes
- I opened my eyes. It seemed dark outside. I wondered why there was no moon & looked out the window. There were quite a lot of 'poofy-type' clouds but I saw no stars to start with except for one very bright one & it was fairly large. I still have no idea what happened to the moon ! - Telepathicly I asked this very bright light to verify in some way if it was not a star - believing that this is possible from past experience. Amazingly it became larger & closer for a short time then it receded again becoming smaller, and then it proceeded to vanish.
- It may seem a bit crazy, but I was wide awake when this happened. In all honesty it's not the first time similar events to this have happened in the past, and they say "it's all in the mind" !! :o) Two other sitings worth mentioning here were June 2004 in Malinalco, Mexico - a siting shared with a Mexican female friend while eating lunch together.
The second one was in the Denver, CO area (Golden, CO) again June of 2005 when on a research trip accompanied by others. This siting was reported at the MUFON Center in Denver, Co. by myself & 2 other friends from Australia.
Posted 2006-03-11
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