NUFORC UFO Sighting 49152
Occurred: 2006-02-15 23:10 LocalReported: 2006-02-15 22:12 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Surfside Beach, SC, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
unusual object sighted over surfside beach south carolina
I finished working at 11:00 tonight I called my ride to come pick me up, and then went out back of the building to wait to be picked up. I have a habit of scaning the sky because I have seen some bizare stuff latley in the sky around my area( this is the first report that I have filed out though, I will be filling out reports for the previous experiences) i was scanning the sky for only a couple of seconds when I saw what looked like a plane or a jet crashing from the west,I noticed there was no noise or smoke which would have been present had it been a conventional aircraft. it seemed to be crecent chaped or a cresent with a point in the middle, it emited light which looked green on the front of the craft but changed to orange at the end of the craft, it seemed to have a "tail" or maybe It was just moving so fast it just looked like it. it appeared from the west hurdling toward earth then it leveled of level to the horizon,slowed for a split second and speed upward at about an 80 degree angle then it veared of course diagonal to the horizon disapearing to the east. when it move it looked like objects moving really fast under a strobe light, it was a really jerky moving object. the duration of this was only 3 to five seconds.I will be emailing a drawing showing the craft and a depiction of the incident.
Posted 2006-03-11
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