NUFORC UFO Sighting 49118
Occurred: 1973-04-15 11:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2006-02-13 18:09 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 4
Location: Goose Creek, SC, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Camoflaged UFO / Light Blue Disc With White Aircraft Silhouette On Bottom
Standing in large construction site on clear blue spring day. No clouds.
Noticed a strange object approaching from direct abeam. APX 2K ft. When object got close to over head angle I noticed that it was a blue disc with almost the same color of the sky but broken by contrast. On the bottom of this disc was a white silhouette of a small single engine aircraft. No protrusions, struts, markings, engine, prop halo or sound. Just a bland white silhouette on an obvious blue disc moving at a slow pace. there was no hindering noises.
I watched it slowly come and go constantly trying to readjust my perspective.
I was the only witness that had this perspective. I have thought about this for years. I became a professional pilot later and am now an International Captain for a Major Airline. I am convinced that my perspective was and is correct.
I have never in my long career over vast territories and continents seen another UFO.
At the request of the source of this report, we have corrected the date to one in April 1973, from 1983. Witness describes self as an airline pilot. PD
Posted 2006-02-14
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