NUFORC UFO Sighting 48688
Occurred: 2006-01-12 05:54 LocalReported: 2006-01-12 05:35 Pacific
Duration: 2 min.
No of observers: 0
Location: Sicklerville, NJ, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Aircraft nearby
Very bright light or lights in close proximity seemed to hover over South Jersey in the Sicklerville area.
Bright light or numerous lights in close proximity which appeared to be hovering in one spot for an extended period of time. After watching closely thinking it must be a helicopter to be still for so long it began a turn away from me to my right. Out the sliding door to my left two steps away I went to follow and get a look at the side or another angle. What appeard to be a helicopter now from the side would make sense of the stillness of the light when first noticed but the sound of the engine did not. It sounded like a jet engine of some sort as it moved out of sight behind a house two doors down. A slight brightness from the moon to the west showed some haze in the sky which would make darting through the house to the front to follow the lights inefective in my mind, plus the fact of disbelief makes you tend to doubt what you just witnessed. We have many commercial jets fly overhead in a pettern to land in Philadelphia but this light was of vast difference. It is expected to be a very clear day today and stars were visible straight overhead.
Posted 2006-02-14
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