NUFORC Sighting 48350

Occurred: 2005-12-17 18:50 Local
Reported: 2005-12-17 19:43 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes +
No of observers: 1

Location: St. Ignatius, MT, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Huge bright light rotating recedes into distance and just fades out while I film.

I went outside to put dog on leash. It's very cold out, probably in the minus degrees.

I look to my left and there is a huge glowing light in the sky at tree level less than a mile as the crow flies. I am looking at it for about 10-15 seconds and then say go in and get video camera. I do and very quickly go out and start filming.

It is huge at first in my viewfinder then recede on it's own like it knew right away I had a camera. My hands are shaking a bit but I am keeping camera as steady as possible.

Throughout the entire sighting till it fades away I always have the object in the viewfinder. It appears to rotate and is really a very large object. It recedes back away from the viewfinder at a gradual rate until it just disappears by fading out!

This all happens in about 2 minutes. I have the closeup button pressed all the way within a second or two of beginning filming and it stays like that till it completely fades out.

Then about 7:40 pm I went out again and saw a plane in the same vicinity as the object I had just filmed so I filmed that, then pointed the camera around for reference and showed the huge moon (in the completely opposite direction of the object).

Where my home is when I use the compass if north is 360, E is 90, S is 180 and W 270, then the object was at about 240 and the moon at about 30. I felt like the object knew I was there or even knew I was going to go outside then.

We live on the Reservation close to the base of the mountains.

I am not sure how to email the video to you but I would like to. I would like to see it slowed down a lot to see the detailed rotation movement and fade out. It was really very unusual and exciting.

This is not the first time I have seen these huge lights, but this may be the best film I have taken of one of these fading out on me.

At this time of year it gets dark around 5:10 pm, but the last couple nights have been bright because the moon is near full, so the landscape glows with the moon rays. There are no structures on the ridge where the light hovered. Regards, ((name deleted))

Posted 2006-02-14

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