NUFORC UFO Sighting 47716
Occurred: 1984-06-15 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2005-11-14 23:51 Pacific
No of observers: 6
Location: Hamadan (Iran), , Iran
Shape: Circle
This is not something that i have seen lately, but what i saw was so imposible that i have never talked about it before.
I was spending my sommer holiday in a town called Hamadan in Iran in sometime between 1984 til 1985. I was staying with my uncle in a airbase named NODJEH near a village called Kabotarahangh.
One night me and my uncle were going home from his friends house and suddenly we saw something in the air that was so amazing that we couldn't believe it we saw. And I am sure about this that we never talked about it not even once. I mean when you see something unusuall you will at least tell your nearest friend about it, but something was denying us to do that, it just blocked up there.
I saw around me and there was at least 5 or 6 persons arround, but after the end of the show every one just went on their way. Why? I can not explain what I saw but I tell you I saw something. It was as big as maybe the moon first but that thing got bigger and bigger in seconds, so big that I thought it would cover the whole sky. But after some second it just disappeared.
I know!! I have seen some stars.. no maybe some aircraft... or maybe just something created by light from other stars...
I don't know!! But what ever you say, I am just sure about one thing. That thing was real, huge and impossible. I have never thought about this before, but ever since i saw this thing I feel strange.
I just had to tell some one about this...finally!
Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2005-12-16
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