NUFORC UFO Sighting 47492
Occurred: 1968-09-30 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2005-11-06 11:11 Pacific
Duration: half an hour
No of observers: 3
Location: Edison, NJ, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Landed
This object was seeen by three people of good reputation who were at a gas statiion in the Clara Barton section of Edison, New Jeresey.
One of the people ran the station and some friends would often come by at night to pass the time. This station was on Woodbridge Avenue and led up to a town about two and a half miles away.
At that time the Raritan Arsenal was on the east side of the road and there was a strip of woods about a half a mile wide owned by the arsenal running up to the the town on the other side of the road. They saw a light go down in the woods and he closed the station down. They drove up there and told everyone for about a week that they saw a flying saucer on the side of a service road. Then, very oddly, if anyone asked about it, they would deny knowing anything about it. They had spoken to the FBI, and maybe this had something to do with it.
I was sriving down this road some time after this, and the traffic was stalled. At some point I saw an MP directing traffic in the road and thought to myself that this was the place were those people saw that thing. The army had the woods there roped off and a tracter trailer on the side of the road. Some time after this I was shooting my shotgun back there and walked into a field and thought for a moment that I was standing where there had been a fire, probabley in the summer, fires being common from people sitting back there and throwing cigarettes out the window. But I then saw that there was a smooth edge to the area and the grass was not burnt but scortched, and I was standing on the edge of a circular area about a hundred feet across, with all the bushes, mostly blueberry and about six or eight feet tall and everything else crushed down. There was no construction going on there, and this would be a hard hoax, since it would require heavy machinery and controlled burning near fire towers.
I can't find anything about this. If you have information, it might be listed under the Raritan Arsenal, the Edison Arsenal, or the Woodbridge Arsenal.
Also, in 1993 I reported a strange light, and the next night there was a completly silent helicopter that flew by my house for at least an hour and a half. If you know anything about this sort of thing, I would be grateful to know
Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2005-11-08
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