NUFORC UFO Sighting 47487
Occurred: 2005-10-28 14:00 LocalReported: 2005-11-06 06:55 Pacific
Duration: 15 sec. or less
No of observers: 2
Location: Kendallville, IN, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
On friday Oct. 28, 2005, a co-worker and I (of 7 years) were sitting outside our plant near the loading dock around 2:00pm. Our company allows us to sit down after our work is completed for the day.
On this day we decided to go outside and sit. It was a mostly clear with a little wind blowing to the west. Our plant is near the railroad tracks so we watch the trains and the jet airplanes as they pass by (there were several that day as always).
When I first noticed the objects (at least 3 maybe more) they were northwest of our location. My first thought was that they were gulls (birds) because they appeared to be white in color. They were circling each other when I said to my co-worker "look at that".
At that point one shot off in a southeast direction at a high rate of speed (much faster than any jet we have ever seen). When I looked back to where they were the rest were gone.
My next thought was maybe this was a mylar balloon. That is when I noticed which way the wind was blowing (the other direction). As the object moved across the sky it sort of changed colors. As I said, it first appeared white but as it moved it would look metallic or silver in color. This might be because the object appeared to be banking or rocking back and forth.
When it had left our sight (because it went over our building), my co-worker said "what was that?". I ask him if he had seen the other ones, to which he replied that he had only seen the one moving to the southeast. He also stated that he had never seen anything like that before (me either).
There was no sound or if there were it was covered up by work being done on the railroad. After discusing what we had just seen, we ruled out a jet (moved much faster, at least twice as fast), a gull (they don't look like metal), a mylar balloon (it was going against the wind), we decided we didn't know what it was, except a UFO.
Posted 2005-11-08
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