NUFORC UFO Sighting 47480
Occurred: 2005-11-05 20:00 LocalReported: 2005-11-05 22:10 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Oxnard, CA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
low gliding large object with red light at front and back over Oxnard
I am a forty-three year old, college educated, Latino, living in Oxnard. I live several miles Northwest of Point Mugu Base. Several miles north of Port Hueneme Naval Base.
I had just walked from my garage going towards the back of the house when I noticed a rod shape object north in the sky. The object was the size of three football fields and had a red light at the front tip and back tip. The lights were connected by a dark mass. Since this object was traveling diagonal from me it is hard to give an exact description of the shape for I was seeing it at a side view. It was low in the sky for something that huge. I would say approximately a mile off the ground.
The object moved slowly... guided. There was no noise. It headed from my north toward the Point Mugu base. I got excited and ran into the house and called my brother (44 years old). He came out and I pointed the object in the sky to him. Once he spotted it I ran back in and called my father. He came out with me and I asked my brother where the object was. It was no longer visible for the house was in the way. We all waked toward the front but were unable to locate the object.
We lost sight of the object roughly at where the Point Mugu base is located. After calming down I went upstairs and looked out the window.
I saw another object and ran downstairs. I called my brother again and we walked out, along with my nephew (10 years old). I showed him the object in the sky but this was strange. It appeared as if something was chasing something else in the sky. I told he to listen... we could hear jets in the sky. From where I live you are able to hear military jets from Point Mugu base.
I must have looked at the sky for an hour but so nothing more.
Posted 2005-11-08
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