NUFORC UFO Sighting 47454

Occurred: 2005-11-05 01:00 Local
Reported: 2005-11-04 23:49 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Mason (just north of), MI, USA

Shape: Sphere

a large, very fast moving white sphere appears to land/crash just southeast of Mason, Michigan

I was alone in my car with the radio/stereo off, traveling south on Cedar, just north of Mason, Michigan at 1:00 am. There were no other vehicles in my sight---either ahead or behind me. I had just done an illegal U-turn, as I had started heading in the wrong direction on a one way divided highway. It was a clear night: the stars were very visible. At the top of my windshield I immediately noticed a VERY bright--brighter than any stars or planets--spherical or possibly oval shaped white light heading towards the southeast at a VERY steep angle.

It was such a steep angle, and it was moving SO fast that I thought at first it must be a HUGE meteorite (it looked like the size of a small house)--and it was going to crash. I awaited the inevitable flash of light (assuming there would be a flash), but there was only silence. There had been no noise before it hit/landed either. Also, there was no tail (or trail) attached like a meteor would exhibit.

I have seen dozens of meteorites during my lifetime---either in meteor storms or other times---and this was NOTHING like that. This was, in fact, like nothing I have EVER witnessed before.

This object was incredibly bright---much brighter than any meteor I have ever seen---and moved VERY fast. It was much slower than a shooting star (meteorite), but much, much faster than anything else I have ever seen in my life.

It was not a plane or a jet or a helicopter. The object moved from my view at the top of my windshield to the ground in less than 3 seconds. No man-made vehicle can move that fast. And yet, I know it was not a meteor. (At the very least I am extremely certain it was not.)

Posted 2005-11-08

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