NUFORC UFO Sighting 47448
Occurred: 2005-11-03 21:00 LocalReported: 2005-11-04 20:03 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: New Castle, PA, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
Orange sphere witnessed streaking over New Castle Pa
On November 3rd at about 9:00 pm I was driving on the Pa turnpike in the New Castle Pa area.
I observed a bright Orange sphere, streaking acrossed the sky.
The object was far below cloud level.
The object had a dark center, with an intense orange fire all around the outer edge.
The object was streaking towards Pittsburgh at a very high speed.
After about 5 seconds, the object completely disappeared without changing altitude.
Posted 2005-11-08
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