NUFORC UFO Sighting 47443
Occurred: 2005-11-03 06:20 LocalReported: 2005-11-04 16:33 Pacific
Duration: Park
No of observers: 2
Location: Toronto (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
didn't believe it until this night ...
Today me and my friend went to play soccer in a park, but as we didn't play we sat down on the grass looking at the stars.
After watching the sky for about 10 minutes we saw something in the sky which was very small and it didnt have any lights. The way we figured out that it wasn't from this planet object was because it was way to high for a plane. After we decided to go to the bus stop and about 10-15 minutes later i looked at the sky and we werent sure if it was the same object or another, but the second one we saw was very light then it turned out and it gained speed, then we lost it.
Posted 2005-11-08
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