NUFORC UFO Sighting 47440

Occurred: 2005-11-02 19:00 Local
Reported: 2005-11-04 11:01 Pacific
Duration: Approx. 10 min.
No of observers: 2

Location: Bigfork, MN, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

Two UFO's Sighted in Northern MN

My husband and I were out on our back deck when I noticed 3 white, blinking lights in the southern sky. We thought it was unusual to have 3 airplanes that close together, especially since we don't see many planes here in northern MN.

They were headed in a westerly direction. One of the lights eventually veered SW and then we heard the sound of it's jet engines so we knew it was indeed an airplane.

The other two blinking lights continued to travel west, making no sound, and then suddenly one of them took a 90 degree turn, which surprised us because airplanes can't turn that quickly.

It turned again and continued to travel in a NW direction with the other blinking light. We followed their course in the sky for about 10 minutes when suddenly it looked as if they connected to each other and 4 GIANT beams of light shone down from the craft. It was almost too bright to look at but you could definitely tell there were 4 lights. It illuminated a very large area.

This lasted for about 5 minutes and then just disappeared. No more blinking lights at all.

Posted 2005-11-08

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