NUFORC UFO Sighting 47410
Occurred: 2005-11-02 19:00 LocalReported: 2005-11-03 17:29 Pacific
Duration: 3 min.
No of observers: 1
Location: Fort Branch, IN, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Mysterious lights over a field in southern IN
First, as I was leaving town, I saw two bright lights through the trees just north of town (an area that is all corn and grain fields). The lights seemed to be straight across from each other, maybe a hundred feet apart or so. They may have been about 4 stories up.
This is a very small town in southern Indiana and I have never seen lights this bright and this low. My first instinct was that an airplane was about to crash into our little town. But after I got past the houses and trees, I didn't see anything anymore.
Then as I drove a little further down the highway I saw a very bright orange light. It was at about a 45 degree angle from my car about 2 or 3 times higher than a light or cell tower. It seemed to come on for about 4 seconds then it disappeared and I didn't see anything after that.
The distance between the two occurences was about 1.5 miles. I had just left my house and was heading to a business meeting in the next town.
Posted 2005-11-08
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