NUFORC UFO Sighting 4741

Occurred: 1998-10-29 20:30 Local
Reported: 1998-11-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 40-50 sec
No of observers: 2

Location: Caldwell (approx 40 miles nw), ID, USA

Shape: Light

at first looked to be a very bright star,it began to get brighter and brighter and coming closer and larger.Then turned at high speed then went out

My wife and I where out in our hottub thrus night. While relaxing (no drugs etc)We have in the past seen satelites. My wife asked if we might be able to see the shuttle with John Glen.At about that time I pointed out a very bright star,it seemed to come towards us getting brighter and larger. We started to become fearful because it was getting very large and quite large. We just watched in wonder when it stopped seemed to turn and quickly became the size of a star in the night sky again the zipped away the went out like the plug was pulled. It happened so fast, maybe 40-50 seconds.

Posted 2001-10-12

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