NUFORC UFO Sighting 47263
Occurred: 2004-10-25 04:21 LocalReported: 2005-10-28 10:25 Pacific
Duration: 2 min
No of observers: 3
Location: M. Fokani/Hims (Syria), , Syria
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams, Landed
Cold blue light
realy i'm too late but it is more than illusions....
I was told by a lady she can hardly read and write ...that in 25/10/2004 at 4:21 in the morning her two little childs told her that she must go and say what is going on ....through the window she could see a spherical body about the size of 17'' computer monitor with many lights turning on its surface landing in shadow of the near hous in a small dark yard... but as soon as she opened the window ....a low and cold (she felt it ..cold) blue light scan her face and the sphere disappear immediately...…
and i wanna tell you that a star-like objects cross our sky every two or three days ..and it can't be planes cause I know that very well????
We do not know what the blue object was. However, the objects that are seen to pass across the sky may be satellites, we suspect. PD
Posted 2005-11-03
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