NUFORC UFO Sighting 47213

Occurred: 1993-10-01 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-10-25 11:14 Pacific
Duration: 20-30 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Pryor, MT, USA

Shape: Light

Floating Light, Like a Spotlight

This event happened twelve years ago, so obviously some of the details may be fuzzy, but it happened nontheless.

After my mom and I saw the UFO, I put it out of my mind for a while, I guess I was thinking we had just imagined it.

Anyways, the subject came up with a good friend a little while ago. I confessed to having seen what I thought was a UFO, and thinking she would laugh at me. However, she instead confessed her UFO experience that happened also many years ago in California. This got me thinking about it again, I brought it up with my mom to see if she remembered it and to see if it was really imagined. My mom also remembers it vividly and also still wonders about it. Reading other stories on this site, it doesn't sound so spectatular, but for me it was an amazing thing that makes me believe that I don't yet understand everything about our world and other worlds.

So...what happened is that I was living with my family on a ranch near Pryor, MT, on the Crow Indian Reservation. The Pryor Mountains are rumored to be a scared ((sic--sacred??)) place and the Crows have many stories of bizarre occurances there, including UFO sitings. Still, didn't think we'd ever see one.

Where we were living is very remote. We did actually have one neighbor about a 1/2 mile away, other than that, there was no one for apx. 6 miles. The house sat is a coulee between two ridges, with the Pryor mountains to the South of us.

We were driving down the hill toward the house with a clear view across the valley to the other ridge. There, floating above the other ridge across from us was a very bright, large light, like a huge spotlight. It just floated there for apx. 20-30 minutes. We sat and watched it for awhile, then went down to the house, came back out and it was still there. When we next checked on it, it was gone. It was too large to be a car headlight, or a star, and too high off the ground for any other reasonable explanation.

Hoping someone could shed some light (no pun intended) as to what we saw. Thanks.


Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-11-03

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