NUFORC UFO Sighting 47093

Occurred: 1989-07-04 21:00 Local
Reported: 2005-10-19 06:39 Pacific
Duration: 4 mins
No of observers: 3

Location: Los Angelas, CA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Saucer shaped u.f.o at close range

It was on the 4th of july and i was sitting on my porch watching the fireworks go off.

The next thing that i remember is a large saucer shaped craft with a slight dome on the top appear right in front of me from now where. On top of the craft was a red light and arond the dome was what i would describe as arched windows but you could not see through and were as bright as a bulb. The craft appeared about 100 foot away and about 50 to 75 foot in the air.

From what i can recall the craft was about as big as an English red bus. It slowly turned and made no noise at all and started moving towards and the right hand side of our house.

I ran in to get my mom and brother who then came out to watch the rest of the event. After going back out we all watched the craft move towards and fly over the right hand side of the house. We all went into the back garden and watched the craft move off and dissappear another 50 foot away.

This was not from this earth and i only tell now as I would like to know if anyone else see the same thing.

Posted 2005-10-20

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