NUFORC UFO Sighting 46982

Occurred: 1957-07-02 12:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-10-13 22:01 Pacific
No of observers: 20

Location: Iceland, , Iceland

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

It was a cigar shaped craft 400-feet long and 75-feet in diameter, like shiney aluminum.

I was 14-years old, am 62 now.

My friend's ((name deleted)) dad, ((pilot's name deleted)) was a PAX on a Navy Anti-Submarine Warfare Aircraft returning from Iceland. They were flying at 20,000 feet, above the clouds.

A UFO shaped like a cigar case, shiny like polished aluminum, approx 400-feet in length and 75-feet in diameter pulled up along side the Navy plane.

((name deleted)) and all on board started taking pictures. ((witness)) took six pictures and reloaded a roll of fresh film and started clicking pictures as fast as he could aim and shoot.

The UFO moved around the plane over the top, port side, under and back to the right side. It flew along side for several minutes.

The pilot made some maneuvers and the UFO followed precisely. The UFO pulled away at a high rate of speed and disappeared in the clouds.

Later the Navigator ordered everyone to turn over their cameras and film. ((witness)) kept the first roll, 6-pictures. He had the 6 pictures developed and there clear as a bell was the UFO.

I was fascinated and looked at the pictures a long time. There was a row of windows along the side, like round portholes. This was a solid mechanical device that made ballistic moves that no man made aircraft could make.

Nothing official was ever reported.

I did not see the UFO personally but saw the photos and heard ((witness)) report.

I believe what I saw to be absolutely genuine. /s/ ((initials deleted))

PS: ((name deleted)) was a ((rank deleted)) in the Navy not prone to jokes or exaggerations.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-10-20

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