NUFORC UFO Sighting 46804
Occurred: 1993-10-04 17:30 LocalReported: 2005-10-04 14:28 Pacific
Duration: 1minute 30 seconds
No of observers: 3
Location: unknown, MI, USA
Shape: Circle
object hovoring for 30 seconds over trees than flew away with out a trace no sound or lights, this happened in the afternoon.
12 years ago on a camping trip at about 5:30 in the afternoon i witnessed the most incredable site of my life.
i witness an object sitting 30 feet in the air on top of a row of tree. at first i thought it as a water tower but after about 30 seconds i relized what i was see, this object had no base and was well a ufo. i grab two of my friend who were in the car with me to witness what i was seeing, we knew what the object was but couldnt believe it. after agree that it was a ufo we jump out of the car to tell the parents but by the time we got out of the car the object was gone without a trace, no sound no lights nothing. like i said this was in the after noon in daylight, we where some where up north michigan. i should also say that i was no farther than 50 yards from this object, maybe closer, i'v never heard of any one seeing a ufo that close and in the daylight and with more than one person to verify the insident. also none of your characterisitic apply to this experence. no lights no haze no color change, no beams of light, no sound, just and circle shaped craft hovoring for at the least 1 minute and than disapering in a blink of an eye
Posted 2005-10-11
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