NUFORC UFO Sighting 46653
Occurred: 2005-09-21 20:00 LocalReported: 2005-09-30 23:39 Pacific
Duration: 2-3hrs then saw same thin
No of observers: 0
Location: Christchurch (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
strange light seen in christchurch skies possible a UFO
well on 09/21/05 in Christchurch, New Zealand in the north in the sky, what i saw was a light, i was looking up at the sky and it was the only thing i had noticed. i thought it was a star and i had then carried on txting someone on my phone, i then looked back up at it and had realised it had moved quite far away, i started closely looking at it and realised it had a orb like glow around it and was moving! i couldnt keep my eyes of it so i jst kept staring, the movement of it was up and down and side to side, and as i was looking at it i noticed it was too low to be a star but then noticed it was too high to be a plane but i knew it was in the atmosphere, the light also on the object runed around every once in a while aswell which i thought quite strange as if it were spinning in the sky. later on i went to look at it again as i went inside to contact people about it and such, i then returned out later and it had disappeared keeping in mind that there were no clouds in the sky. exactly a week from that time i saw the same thing in the sky, but i then noticed there were 2 other lights in the sky but one happend to be a helicopter and one was a small aeroplane, they were both circling the area where the light was but after i had seen the helicopter lights and aeroplane lights the the 'ufo' had has not been a week since the last sighting but im hoping it will return again on the 10/05/05.
Posted 2005-10-11
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