NUFORC Sighting 4619

Occurred: 1996-09-14 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-10-18 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 miutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Battle Mountain, NV, USA

Shape: Disk

Full moon or just after (that time) 8 to 8-30 pm. Two seperate occasions, the first a month earlier. Disc shaped, no lights, featureless,maller than I first though as it went under some dark clouds and not over. Tilted at one stage and was brighter on top possibly due to reflection. Color very dark grey.

Like I say, it was nearly dark. I had finished work and was sitting outside the rear of my store having a cigarrette. (The First sighting.) I first thought it was a helicopter, as we used to have a tree at back of the store, and my first glimpse of it was through the branches. I expected any minute to hear the sound of rotors, there were none so I looked again. When it cleared the tree and I saw what it was,.....well, I have not spoken of this to anyone except my cousin. He asked had I been drinking and laughed when I phoned him. I told him I was about to start, and indeed I bought myself a drink while I thought about it. A month later,,full moon time again (give or take a day)I saw the same thing following the high street at the same twilight time. (This should give a clue to the exact date in 1996) I was looking into the sunset or what was left after the sun had set, you know, the brightness that hangs for a little while in the hight desert There were people standing outside Le Mairs store. I waved frantically in hope someone would see what I saw. I didnt realise until I turned, that both I and the object were East of the people and obscured by darkness. The object (hate the word saucer) made no noise at all. Late roosting birds were flying and a light aircraft was landing at our small airport. It had landing lights on and as were the street lights lit. I have only discovered your page today. I am a businessman and don't want to be called a 'nut'. However it occured to me that perhaps someone else reported the same thing if you have a database. None of your 'categories' fit. The light aircraft was coming in at right angles to the flight of the object and seemingly totally unaware of it's presence.

Posted 1998-11-01

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