NUFORC UFO Sighting 46021

Occurred: 2005-09-01 23:00 Local
Reported: 2005-09-04 08:41 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 3

Location: Shaftsbury, VT, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Randomly flashing lights of red; blue; green; yellow ,small sphere quickly; randomly darting back and forth .

The objects seen had blinking lights of red; green; blue; and yellow. They were darting back and forth very quickly in one small area. The second one we saw came about half an hour after the first one almost parallel across the sky from it. The second one we saw for only 10 minutes, and then it went behind the horizon. The first one lasted about an hour, darting back and forth while slowly moving behind the horizon. The blinking lights and the way the UFO was moving had apparently no pattern and was very random. After an hour the first UFO had also moved behind the horizon. The shape of the object was hard to make out, it was very small from where we could see with the naked eye, or even binoculars from the ground. It was closer to a sphere than other shapes. Myself and 2 other witnesses live in a very rural area where the sky is wide and open with no tall buildings or street lights to block our viewe. We are often out after dark, and on clear nights we can see the entire night sky. This is the second similar sighting we have seen within the past year.

Posted 2005-09-15

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