NUFORC UFO Sighting 45682

Occurred: 2005-08-18 21:00 Local
Reported: 2005-08-19 15:58 Pacific
Duration: 45 Seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Highland, IN, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Left a trail, Emitted other objects

Shower of sparks and colors emitted from object

My girlfriend and I were driving north on Indianapolis Blvd in Highland heading for Chicago after a weeks trip in Evansville, IN.

I looked out the passenger window as my girlfriend was driving and noticed a shower of sparks, a sort of tail of golden sparks. I would estimate the height of the to be approximatly 750 - 1000 feet. I thought it may be a firework of some sort up until it made a slow turn heading in the oppisite direction.

The tail of sparks stoped and I saw what may have been the light of an airplane, although it was just a single small amber light, the size of a star. It continued on for a moment then the sparks started agian.

I am telling you it was the strangest thing. It was manuvering in the air and I could have mistaken it for a firework if it had not been manuvering and turning on and off. The strangest thing is it started to drop small sparkes which exploded and appeared to be just like a 4th of july arial firework.

I don't know whether aircraft preform these types of fireworks shows or what, but whatever it was was under control and definatly manuvering in such a way there was a craft behind the whole thing. I have never seen an airplane fly over and drop a comet like tail of sparks and fireworks.

My girlfriend was witness to all this too and I got a terrible video of it on the digital camera.


Posted 2005-10-11

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