NUFORC UFO Sighting 45670

Occurred: 2005-08-18 19:45 Local
Reported: 2005-08-18 17:13 Pacific
Duration: 2 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Winooski, VT, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Delta or Vee shaped, silent, travelling west to east from Lake Champlain towards New Hampshire

The shape was either triangular or Vee shaped- it varied with the angle of viewing. Craft was flying high ( a plane from Burlington Int'l Airport took off below it). The color changed from a whitish silver to having distinct dark lines along the left edge of the craft. Sometimes it looked like I could see thru the craft. At some points it seemed camoflaged or invisible against the sky and clouds.

There was no engine noise that I could detect.

The craft was flying east to west along a cloud front that I was observing for signs of scalar patterns.

Posted 2005-10-11

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