NUFORC UFO Sighting 45417
Occurred: 2005-08-02 22:28 LocalReported: 2005-08-02 21:01 Pacific
Duration: 5 secs
Location: International Space Shuttle, , In orbit
Shape: Sphere
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else noticed the sphere that came into the live shuttle feed just after the astronauts entered the shuttle Monday? It was a video feed of the open cargo bay doors at the very end of the spacewalk mission It entered the picture from the lower right and floated near the docking tube then left the picture to the upper right of the frame. the whole incident lasted about 4 seconds and sure didn't look like an ice crystal to me!
Just was curious if ANYONE else noticed it and could possibly explain it?
(P.S I think it was about 10:28pm Chicago time) Thank you
Posted 2005-09-02
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