NUFORC UFO Sighting 45357

Occurred: 2005-07-31 04:30 Local
Reported: 2005-07-31 13:13 Pacific
Duration: 1 and 1/2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Ashland City, TN, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

triangle, 7 light, black and chrome with a haze surrounding it type object seen 31July 2005 in Ashland City Tn. 4:30 am.

I left the Petro 2 truck stop in Kingston Springs, Tn at 4:00am on July 31,2005.

I decided to take the quick way home instead of taking the interstate. I was on hywy 249 north, it is a winding road but it takes only half the time to get home; the evening was still it was alittle foggy driving along the river. There was a half moon and a few stars out.

I reached the end of hywy 249, I made a right turn on hywy 49E. As I made this right hand turn I was entering on the bridge; there was this big triangle shaped 7 light object that looked hazy hovering over the treeline. I pulled the emergency brake on my car I got out of my vehichle and stood in front of this object for about 1minute and a half. It was amazing.

I was scared and excited at the same time. I have never experienced anything like that ever.

Posted 2005-10-11

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