NUFORC UFO Sighting 45163

Occurred: 1989-05-12 14:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-07-19 08:45 Pacific
Duration: 1-1/2 Minute
No of observers: 0

Location: Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Shape: Oval

One sunny afternoon I saw a flat bottom thick gray disk slowly moving east observing this over a minute.

While sitting in my back yard, facing due west, reading a book, I looked up and slightly to the left I saw a light grayish silver object. It was the size of a 25 cent piece at arms length. It was round like the quarter, flat bottom, rounded edges, thickness was about 1/4th the length of the object. Movement was slow and wavering. It was moving due east directly over Sheppard AFB. I live six blocks from the Sheppard Missle Road North entrance gate. There was no noise, no trail, or other characteristics. The neighborhood and base noises were lacking. I looked away and blinked my eyes in disbelief. Looked again but the object was gone.


Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-09-02

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