NUFORC UFO Sighting 4509
Occurred: 1998-10-04 21:10 LocalReported: 1998-10-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Charleston, SC, USA
Shape: Flash
Observed very bright sky illumination over Charleston, SC. 1-2 seconds duration.
While taxiing in, following a military training flight, night turned to day for 1-2 seconds. We had a thin stratus layer around 6000 feet; and only saw the flash---figured it was a large lightening flash. But... heard a civil (commercial) aircraft ask Charleston Tower if they saw that. The tower didn't see it; but the commercial pilot described a very impressive, bright streak that looked like a large meteor. If needed, Charleston Int'l Tower has the tapes; doubt if they would release it, since there was no mishap involved.
Posted 1998-11-01
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