NUFORC UFO Sighting 45014
Occurred: 2005-07-14 23:58 LocalReported: 2005-07-16 08:27 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec.
No of observers: 1
Location: De Panne (Belgium), , Belgium
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Sorry, but my english isn't so good.
- At 07/14/2005 at 23:58 local time we had a verry clear night in Belgium.
- 'De Panne' is a little town on the Belgium coast near to France.
- I wass sitting on my roof looking at the stars, when a saw a verry large triangle in the sky.
- It was black and made no noise. On every point of the triangle there was a verry large and bright white light.
- It wass flying from the S to the N --> Sea - There wass light all around the ship (aura) - I believe it didn't fly verry high, because it wass verry great, but can say the exact distance from the earth.
- It wass also flyong verry fast. I had a large vue, and in about 10 sec, it disepired from the skyline.
PS: soory again for my bad english
Posted 2005-09-02
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