NUFORC UFO Sighting 44607

Occurred: 2005-06-25 19:00 Local
Reported: 2005-06-27 21:33 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Lynnwood, WA, USA

Shape: Sphere

Observed 3 spherical shaped objects in the sky above our heads. One moved slowly away to the south.

Saturday I was outside looking at the clouds and beautiful sky and had seen a Bald eagle flying up with some light clouds moving to the east. I went back inside for a 30 minutes and then went back out to see a clear sky. All the clouds had blown over to the Cascade mountains. In a split second I looked adjacent to a Hemlock tree top. Very high in the sky was an object that appeared spherical, due to the shading of the object. It was the size of a small womens ball type earing. It appeared stationary. Immediately I called for my friend who came out of the house and I showed it to her. She said, what could that be? I said, I don't know but it stayed there for a while so I wanted someone else to see it. She has 20/20 vision and immediately clearly noticed another one more toward the east of the larger one first sighted. I then saw another one further north and approximately 10 to 15 degrees away from the other but it was smaller and more toward the Cascade mountains. We observed a total of three, only one, the first was larger. The larger one started moving in a relative southern direction or to our right. I called her son out and he observed the one larger one as well. We stood and observed and then her and the son went in. I looked away for a moment and the large spherical object disappeared and then the others. No images were taken. To provide a reference I would say they were at least a foot appart from the visual perspective but not aligned in a straight line with each other .

Posted 2005-07-05

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