NUFORC UFO Sighting 44603

Occurred: 1977-08-15 17:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-06-27 19:56 Pacific
Duration: Not sure
No of observers: 6

Location: Rolla, MO, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

The object was hovering and moving slowly toward the field.

I was nine years old at the time, We lived in a rural area outside of Rolla, Missouri. There was this older gentleman and his wife that lived accross the street from us. He had just purchased a new Kodak One Step Camera for a trip that he and his wife were going to take, and asked some of us kids that were playing nearby at the time if he could take our pictures, he wanted to try out the camera. We were standing in his driveway waiting for the first picture to develop when this huge shadow blocked out the sunlight. I looked up and saw this object, it wasn't emitting any sound what so ever, it was like one of the smaller ones in close encounters, with lights spining all around it. This took place "before" I saw the movie. I still do not understand how I could see the lights so brightly, in daylight! The older gentleman, my eleven year old brother, myself, two twin boy's that were around 7 if I recall corretly and one other 10 year old girl all took off in the direction that the object headed. It wasn't going fast at all, kind of hovering and slowly moving off toward a fenced field that we picked blackberries in. We went as far as the bob wire fence and then stopped. The object just hovered in the middle of the field, about 3 stories above the ground. The older man snaped a shot of it, and my older brother wanted to climb over the fence and get closer, I stopped him. I don't remember feeling afraid, I wasn't even shocked, I just didn't want him going any closer. I was only nine, If I saw one now I would probably freak out! We all crowded in as the picture was developing, it turned out pure "white" Like when you try to take a photo of something too bright. Now this is all that I can remember happening, we were looking at the photo and then our backs were turned away from the field and we were heading home, the sun was going down. My brother and I went home and told our mom what had happened, my oldest brother placed a call to the radio station and asked if anyone else had reported seeing anything... he was told,"It must have been a weather balloon" We never talked about that evening with the older man accross the street, the other children and even my brother and myself didn't discuss it until years later. He can't remember anything after looking at the photo either. To my knowledge, that is the only incident in my life of witnessing a UFO.


Witness indicates that date of the event is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-07-05

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