NUFORC UFO Sighting 44600
Occurred: 2005-06-25 15:00 LocalReported: 2005-06-27 12:53 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 15
Location: Cehu-Silvaniei (Romania), , Romania
Shape: Cone
Characteristics: Landed
A cone shaped object, about 5 feet tall, started to move straight up when 2 people got about 10 meters from it.
I called my parents who live in Romania (Transylvania). Earlier that day they went to collect herbs (thyme) from the hills surrounding the city (Cehu Silvaniei). While they were walking, 2 really scared gypsies approached them and they told them to come fast because there is a "fish" shaped metal object near their wagon. By the time they got there, a cone shaped object about 5 feet tall was moving straight up with a relatively slow but constant speed. The gypsies said that it started moving up when 2 of them got about 10-20 meters from it. When my parents saw it, it was already in the sky, about 50 meters up. It was rotating around its axis and it was shining in the sun each time it competed a rotation. They looked at it till it was around 800-1000 meters up, then they left.
Posted 2005-07-05
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