NUFORC UFO Sighting 44565

Occurred: 2005-06-25 22:00 Local
Reported: 2005-06-25 15:44 Pacific
Duration: 1-3 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Hilton Head, SC, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Large, circular object with 8 or so bright white lights on the bottom, hovering over hilton head island sound involved

I spotted (along with two other friends) an extremely bright light in the sky, hovering over Hilton Head Island beach. At first, we thought it was just a we walked forward, hoping to get a closer look. As we walked towards the object, it seemed to hover closer towards us. My friend asked us to stop and see if it was moving. We stopped and observed that it was ever so slightly moving to the right of us. It was just hovering there, not dipping up or down. Keep in mind, this is on the beach with thirty mile an hour winds whipping. We decided to run towards it to get a closer look and as we seemed to come closer to us for about 15 seconds. We all observed 8 or so large lights around the bottom of the object, which was round with what seemed like a "cockpit" on the top. The tipical UFO. As we continued running towards it, it seemed like the object saw us...and hovered away to the right...dipping lower and lower until it seemed like it had landed, and where it dissapeared..there was a bright light in the sky. It never made a sound

Posted 2005-07-05

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