NUFORC UFO Sighting 44544
Occurred: 2005-06-24 22:45 LocalReported: 2005-06-24 04:39 Pacific
Duration: 15 min total
No of observers: 2
Location: Bobtown, PA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
fast moving point of light preceeds large slow triangle over Pennsylvania.
June 23, 2005 The first thing we saw was flying from the east and just appeared as a small dot of light flashing erratically, it made a sharp turn towards the north and jutted back in forth in an almost square grid area, it looked almost like a strobe, on off, on off, then moved at a high rate of speed toward the NW till out of view flashing all the time, the craft appeared to be very high up, and moving far too fast to be a jet, also the 90 degree jumps it was making back and forth were in split seconds.
Within about ten minutes my wife noticed what she thought were three jets coming from the sw, again, just points of light, but they were moving extremely slow towards the south, they were too far apart to be jets in formation. As she went to get the video camera (and found that all four batteries were dead, even though we just charged them not long ago), I watched the lights "rotate" on a central axis and then could make out a dimmer fourth light, at this point I realized that the pattern formed a perfect triangle shape, similar to the "Star Destroyers" from the Star Wars movies. I could make out one bright light at the point and three across the back, one in the center and one at either "point". The triangle rotated towards the south and continued straight until out of sight behind haze. It always moved at the same slow rate and there were no sounds associated with either of these events. The first elapsed in maybe 20-30 seconds, the second probably 2-3 minutes.
Of course this piqued our curiosity, so we stayed out a while longer, and I saw a "shooting star" like I have never seen before, it was large, and I could actually see the comet shape and particles falling off the back, it looked like bright orange fire, I've never seen one this large or colored before, I'm sure it's probably just coincidence but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD
Posted 2005-07-05
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