NUFORC Sighting 44356

Occurred: 1980-07-01 02:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-06-11 01:42 Pacific
Duration: every night for a few mon
No of observers: 6

Location: Tracy, CA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Mount Diablo - Devil Mountain and UFO's

I was beginning to believe that I did not see what I saw. It was so long ago. I wanted to report it after seeing that others have reported seeing UFO's in the same area.

In the summer of 1980, I came out of the grocery store with the bag boy and noticed something in the sky. It was approaching sunset and I could see an bright shining object in the sky. I knew it was not a star because it moved. I asked the bag boy what the object was and he was clueless as well. I drove home looking at the object, not wanting to lose track of it. I went home and asked my father, who worked as a nuclear physicist at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories what the object was. I figured he would know since he has put satellites up in space. He told me it was a weather ballon or a slow moving plane and went back to work in his den. About 45 minutes later, I advised my father that the object was still in the sky and that it was beginning to move around. My father turned white as a ghost and came running out to see the object.

We lived on farm land in a newly developed houses. Our backyard view was a large field and Altamont Pass (mountains) with Mount Diablo in the distance. So we had a great view of what we saw.

Anyhow, my entire family came outside to watch the object in the sky and then the neighbors on both sides of our home came outside to see as well. This was around 8:00 p.m. in the evening. The objects danced around in the sky and darted here and there. I ran into the house to get my father's binoculars. The object was triangular (almost like the letter "A") shape with lights on all three points. A few hours later the objects flew in the direction of Mount Diablo (Mount of the Devil, as the Indians called it.. a coincidence? I don't think so) and disappeared behind it or on it? That night on channel 7 (newscene S.F.) a reporter named Van Amburg presented a story about an object in the sky. It was a short uneventful segment about what people reported seeing, however, nothing was ever mentioned about it again on the news.

However, every night... I mean, every night around 1 or 2 in the morning I would wake up not knowing why. I would look out my window and it was there. It was like it knew I was there watching it. I watched it for a while and then it would fly away over Mount Diablo. This happened every night. I told my mother on occasion, but no one ever thought it was that important. I don't remember if it ever stopped or if I just forgot about it as I turned 18 years old and moved out.

To hear others talk about this area freaked me out and I had to share my story.

I don't know what that object was but let me put it this way. Even though I believe in God, I didn't believe that ghosts appeared in the daytime.... till I moved to Hawaii. I didn't believe in UFO's until the summer of 1980, but now I do.


Witness indicates that date of the incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-06-20

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