NUFORC Sighting 4402

Occurred: 1998-08-10 06:00 Local
Reported: 1998-08-20 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 min

Location: Albuquerque, NM, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Object seen streaking across sky, leaveing huge contrail, it was across the horizon over head, and heading east to west, along hwy40 (route66) going down in the distance, and turning dark black smoke color, on end of contrail. This was seen as the sun rose in morning. The gas attendant saw it, and me a vacationer, after I left the motel. It was huge, and many people should of seen it.

Its was red and white, and pulsed, as it went across the sky. It left a huge contrail as it passed and disapeared in the distance, traveling along a path of old hwy66 or 40. The main freeway out of Albuquerque New Mexico out of town. The contrail lasted for 1 hour before finally slowly dispating. The object seemed large. It was very early in the morning, but the sun was up over the horizon when the contrail disapeared.Many people must have seen it, but the gas station man saw the contrail. I listened to the radio but it was never mentioned. I heard later in a newsw paper, 3 days before the military had a test in the area.

Posted 2001-08-05

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